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SMARTdesks Announces New Security Accessories for iPad

armPad holds the iPad on a metal arm for easy positioningiPad security, protection and positioning convenience: The armPad by SMARTdesks is a full-featured iPad stand arm plus a security enclosure. The arm permits low profile storage, keyboard height positioning and easy screen viewing in landscape or portrait. Especially useful for institutional use or Point Of Service applications. The iPad security enclosure is available in two versions: secure containment and “no home button” access for education, or classroom applications. The latter keeps only the app used for class active, so personal use of social media can be suppressed. The enclosure is accessible only by use of a security hex wrench key, supplied with armPad.
The iDrawer allows individual tablets to be secured under lock and key while chargingiDrawer iPad Security Drawer is another iPad accessory for the 21st Century classroom. This padded, ventilated locking cabinet has built-in 110 VAC power and USB power. Low batteries in class are no longer an issue. The USB power cord may remain connected when the iPad is removed for use. Great for use with tablets, smartphones, Kindles, Notebooks and other small devices.
armPad and iDrawer are the latest in SMARTdesks’ offering of iPad accessories, stands, and security products. SMARTdesks’ focus is to develop products to support the post-PC, 21st Century classroom environment. Visit to learn more about iPad accessories, stands and security products.
John Kessell
(800) 770-7042 x809
Jeffrey Korber
(800) 440-7042 x801
armPad Information Sheet